23 Minutes in hell-Testimony by Bill Wiese
You’re going to read the experience of
and you’re going to hear a vision of
intimacy with Jesus Christ and the love
He has for this whole world. Bill was in
Hell. He wasn’t a casual observer, as so
many people have been in legitimate
visions, but He experienced the torments
of Hell. Read on …
Bill’s wife Annette speaking –> “It was
about 3:23am when I woke up. I just
remember that because I looked at our
digital clock, and I noticed Bill was not
next to me, and I heard screaming coming
from our living room. I proceeded to go
down the hallway. I found my husband in
a way I’d never seen him before. If
anyone gets to know Bill, he’s very
conservative by nature, very calm, and a
professional man. I saw him there
traumatized, literally traumatized holding
his skull, holding his head between his
hands and crying out and screaming. He
was in a fetal position on our living room
floor. I just started to pray and he cried
out and said, “Pray that the Lord would
take this out of my mind! The Lord took
me to Hell. I feel like my body is dying, I
can’t handle this.” So I proceeded to pray
over him, and in about ten to twenty
minutes he began to calm down. He was
literally in a traumatized state. It was not
just someone who had a bad dream and
woke up. So I just wanted to testify to
(Bill Wiese speaking) I knew that if what I
experienced was true, it would already be
there in the word of God. So I began to
research and I found over 400 scriptures
that depicted everything I saw, heard, felt,
everything to do with Hell. It’s already in
the Bible, so whatever I’m telling you it’s
already there.
So to get right into it, quickly: My wife
and I were at the Sunday night prayer
meeting that we always attend with our
pastors. And we went home like any other
normal night and went to bed. About 3:00
o’clock in the morning I was taken. I did
not know how I got there until I returned.
Then the Lord explained. But I was just
dropped into a prison cell, just like a
regular prison cell, like you imagine, with
rough huge stone walls and bars on the
door. I didn’t know where I was yet. All I
knew was that it was extremely hot,
terribly hot. It was so hot, I couldn’t
believe, that I was alive. I felt like I should
have disintegrated with this heat, but I
was still alive. It was light in the room for
a little while, and I believe the Lord’s
presence was there for me to see the
scene better, but then it got dark after
about a minute.
Proverbs 7:27 “they shall go down to Hell
in the chambers of death” By “Chambers”
it means rooms. So part of Hell has
prisons cells, chambers, pits of fire, and
big areas of fire, so I was just in a prison
cell at this time. So again, everything I
saw was in The Word.
I found myself in the cell, and these 4
creatures were in the cell with me. I
didn’t know they were demons at the
time, because I went there like as an
`unsaved person`. Because for the
experience God took it out of my mind
that I was a Christian. I didn’t understand
why, but He explained it to me on the
way back. These creatures, I didn’t realize
that they were demons, but they were
enormous. They were about 12 or 13 feet
tall, it was all scaly. This one had scales
all over its body, giant jaws with huge
teeth, and claws sticking out, along with
sunken-in eyes. They were just enormous.
And the other one didn’t looked like this
at all, but it had razor sharp fins all over
with one long arm and out of proportion
feet. Everything was deformed and
twisted and out of proportion, out of
symmetry, no symmetry, one arm longer
and one shorter and just odd looking
creatures, horrible, horrible looking things.
And they were blaspheming God. The
whole time they were cursing God. I
wondered, “Why are they cursing God?
Why are they hating God so much?” And
then they turned their attention to me,
and I felt the same hatred they had for
God, they had for me also, and again I
thought: “Why do they hate me? I haven’t
done anything to them.” But
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