And Again, in hell with blazing fire, I saw people
howling. “It’s too hot!” Like the rich man asked
for a drop of water, they begged for water.
“Help me, give me water! .It’s too painful!”
They were wriggling in agony. Jesus told me to
look carefully. And I saw cash of money being
stuck all over their bodies, apart from face. They
were wandering through the blazing fire and
shouting in great painful lamentating act,
“It’s too painful!
Where is my money, my money?
They were wailing: “While living on earth, I
believed I could do anything with money. So I
worked very hard every day. After earning lots of
money, I was going to live a happy life with my
family; suddenly I ended up in a hospital and
died of an illness.
READ ALSO: The Reason Why Christians Always
Curse And Abandoned God.
It’s unfair! It’s unfair. I ended up in hell, without
using my money. Please help me for once! Give
me a chance!”
Jesus said to me: “ To my children I gave
authority to rule and conquer the earth, but they
became slaves of money, not knowing their soul
was dying.
As a Pastor, One day i had the privilege of
visiting one foreign church on one of my
missionary trips. When it was offering time,
there were offering baskets in the front, and I
heard the Holy Spirit’s voice saying to me:
“Look at this sight carefully and reveal it to
the rest of the world.”
They were giving offering with the smallest unit
coins, and barely with cash. With my spiritual
eyes, I saw Jesus standing next to the offering
And I heard the Holy Spirit talking to me, and I
saw fury in his face: “ Am I a beggar, Am I a
beggar to you?” Do you know why you suffer in
our businesses and our children being down with
illnesses? Because we are treating God like a
beggar. Do you wish to be blessed?
READ ALSO: The Doctrine Of Tithe Payment For
Every Genuine Christians.
Then without any reservation, serve God with
the best things you have to offer. Then he will
bless you with the best things. We should never
be selfish or greedy. Greed produces sin, and sin
delivers unto death.
In gloomy hell, there were swarms of snake. It
coiled around human body and passed through
their nostrils and chipped away skin, so they
were bleeding. While they were bleeding,
demons who held a big axe was standing on
each side and cutting down their souls.
The skin was cut into pieces and intestines
gush-out. They were screaming for help. And
suddenly, the body will Regenerate and demons
were also busy cutting the body repetitively.
“Forgive! Help me!” But there was no one who
could save them.
Jesus told me, while they were on earth, they
used to say they believed in God. But they didn’t
have the faith of salvation. Jesus said that 85%
of Christians in churches don’t have assurance of
salvation. Even though they say they believe in
Jesus, they don't have assurance of their
They used to say: “ This church thinks they are
the only church! This pastor thinks he is the only
pastor around! Let’s leave and build us a new
one” They were splitting the body of Christ with
jealousy in their hearts , and taking church
members to build a new church. Dividing a
church is like splitting the body of Christ. They
became slaves of Satan in the church. And they
criticize, disapprove, and gossip.
READ ALSO: Only Christians Abandoned Their
Wounded Soldier.
Pastor Hyun Sook
In church, whatever the problem is, we should
not blame others. Everyone should learn to
accept his error. This also applies to families.
Then the work of the devil will flee and the work
of the Holy Spirit will live among you,
resuscitating and blessing you. The above divine
revelation is an excerpt from " Pastor Hyun Sook"
Divine Revelation Of Heaven And Hell.
Romans 8:7 "Because the carnal mind is enmity
against God: for it is not subject to the law of
God, neither indeed can be" The carnal mind is
selfish state of mind. Carnal mind is when an
individual is purpos
